WhenYouPutItLikeThat Podcast
WhenYouPutItLikeThat Podcast
EP. 11 - MY HomiE oR MY GiRl?, AliEN PeT, BLue CHeesE??
Hey there! Today, on the "When You Put It Like That" podcast (WYPILT), the hosts dive into all sorts of exciting topics. Join "Bink," "Ball," and "Trigga Tre," the three best friends who host the podcast together. They share their personal insights on life and chat about everyday issues in a way anyone can relate. The podcast contains contagious laughter, lively debates, and thought-provoking "Think About This" moments that will stick with you. Don't miss out on the "When You Put It Like That" podcast for an enriching and entertaining experience!
- Instagram:/ https://www.instagram.com/wypilt_podcast?igsh=b2o5dzFra3loYWFv
- Tre: https://www.instagram.com/demontren.3?igsh=MWc5NTJuampxNTUxag==
- Ball: https://www.instagram.com/_sky.will?igsh=ZGRrMWN0ZWhpcjd2
- Layla: https://www.instagram.com/laylalaplaya?igsh=MTBzcDJmNjlxNHVtYw==
- TikTok:/ https://www.tiktok.com/@wypilt_podcast?_t=8nswmEhFsK2&_r=1
- Apple Podcast: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whenyouputitlikethat-podcast/id1704765144
- Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/3fRsaP7SZMyy18nRVRayra
Introduction of Hosts (00:01:27)
The hosts introduce themselves, including Layla, and set a casual tone for the episode.
Shirt Hygiene Debate (00:03:39)
A light-hearted discussion on how many times one can wear a shirt before it’s considered dirty.
Home Comforts and Laundry (00:05:01)
Exploring the comfort of wearing shirts at home and the laundry implications.
Living with Pets (00:08:07)
A conversation about past pets and the quirks of having animals at home.
Choosing Between Friends and Partners (00:11:46)
Debate on the difficult scenario of choosing between a significant other and friends.
Healthy Boundaries in Relationships (00:17:31)
Conversations about maintaining boundaries and handling conflicts between partners and friends.
Alien Pet Scenario (00:19:05)
A whimsical thought experiment about being a pet to an intelligent alien race.
Here are the extracted timestamps and their titles from the podcast episode transcription segment:
Discussion on Alien Pets (00:19:51)
Exploration of humorous scenarios about being a pet to aliens amidst a rebellion.
Olympic Banter (00:23:33)
Excited discussion about recent performances in the Olympics, focusing on basketball and triathlons.
Olympics and E. Coli Concerns (00:25:08)
Conversation about the issues faced by athletes swimming in contaminated waters during the Olympics.
Origins of the Word "Bi***" (00:31:11)
Exploration of the etymology of the term "bitch" and its derogatory use.
Chicken and Egg Discussion (00:30:15)
A humorous breakdown of the biology behind chicken eggs and their cycles.
Childhood TV Shows (00:35:05)
Nostalgic reminiscence about favorite childhood shows like Dragon Tales and Phineas and Ferb.
Tom and Jerry Memories (00:38:01)
Fond memories of watching Tom and Jerry and the antics of the characters.
Childhood Favorites (00:39:47)
Discussion about favorite childhood shows, including "Jack and the Beanstalk" and "Tom and Jerry."
Backyardigans Nostalgia (00:40:54)
Speaker shares memories of watching "Backyardigans" in early grades.
Funny School Incident (00:42:18)
A humorous story about a classmate singing the "Krusty Krab Pizza" song repeatedly.
Disciplinary Actions (00:43:25)
Discussion on unnecessary school referrals and funny anecdotes about getting in trouble.
Salad Throwing Incident (00:44:22)
Speaker recalls getting a referral for throwing salad at someone in middle school.
Blue Cheese Debate (00:45:02)
Speakers debate the merits and taste of blue cheese versus ranch dressing.